Instructional Documents for Customers
Serial and authorization code instructions
- Open EFI LIVE V8 Scan and Tune tool
- Plug autocal or V2 into computer using USB cord
- Make sure there is a green check mark over device icon in bottom right corner of screen
(You may have to click the icon for the check mark to appear)
- Click F7: Licenses
- When smaller window opens click F3 VINS
- Then click copy serial and auth code.
- Paste this information into a word doc or notepad doc.
- Submit the information on the VIN license request form
OBD scan Instructions
You will need the following in the vehicle :
- V2 or autocal handheld device
- USB cord AND OBD II cord for autocal/V2
- Windows laptop with EFI live downloaded (NO tablets or mac computers)
Follow the steps below
- Plug autocal or V2 into OBD II on truck
- Plug USB cord from laptop to autocal
- Turn vehicle key to the on position (2 clicks forward not running)
- Open EFI live scan and tune tool on laptop
- Click F4 OBD (smaller window will open)
- You should see a check mark appear that the ECM controller has been recognized.
- Click “READ”
- After software completes scan all vehicle data will be on the right-hand side of your screen
- Right click on the data & click “copy all data”
- Paste information into email and send to :
Reading stock tune file
- Open EFI LIVE Scan and Tune Tool.
- Plug OBD II cord into autocal and OBD port on truck
- Plug USB cable into autocal and other end into computer usb port
- Turn Key to ON position
- Open EFI live scan and tune
- Click F3 TUNE
- Click Auto-Detect
- Should see green check mark showing connection to truck after auto-detect
- Select Controller you want to read ( ECM or TCM )
- Click READ button
- Do NOT touch anything until EFI live finishes reading ( several minutes )
- Turn key off once script is finished
- Wait until countdown ends
- Click Save button
- Save file to folder or desktop.
- Send the "READ" File as an attachment in an email to :
*Be sure to include your First and Last name in the email and order number*
How to load a BBX file
- Download the latest PUBLIC release from if needed. (MUST download both V7.5 & V8.)
- Plug autocal/V2 flashscan into computer using the USB cable.
- Open the BBX file (it will automatically open with QUICK SET-UP MANAGER
- Click the RED Program Quick Set-up button.
- A green loading bar will appear on screen on screen- wait until you see a message that the BBX has been programmed successfully. CLICK OK
- If your BBX file includes tune files they will now begin to load onto the device and a new green loading bar will appear on screen.
- Once the tune files finish loading on the autocal/V2 you can attempt to flash your vehicle.